IndicNLP Devsprint

Adam Shamsudeen (~adamshamsudeen)




With IndicNLP our mission is to have an open data platform for Indian languages where people can come and contribute to the datasets and tools for NLP.
In the Devsprint we'll be concentrating on:
1. Developing a data annotating platform for text classification.
2. Writing web scraping scripts to create a corpus for different languages.
3. Using DL models to build NLP tools for Indian languages.


Please attend our talk on IndicNLP so you'll get a better understanding of the project.

Speaker Info:

Kamal Raj:
He primarily works on Natural Language Processing. He mainly worked on building NLP models on the medical domain using Transfer Learning. He has open sourced projects on Named Entity Recognition, Question answering and Language Modeling. He has 2 publications. The first publication is PHI Scrubber: A Deep Learning Approach. Second is Pre-trained BioBERT with Attention Visualisation for Medical Natural Language Inference, which is currently accepted to ACL 2019.

Adam Shamsudeen:
Interested in solving real-life problems using code. Founder and Ex-CEO of MindHack Innovations. Currently working on using the latest deep learning innovations to speed up clinical trials.

Selva Kumar:
He is interested in doing a bit of painting and 3d modeling. Passionate about linguistics and languages & culture in general. He is interested in AGI. He is also a proud, free software evangelist. He has two publications An Attentive Sequence Model for Adverse Drug Event Extraction from Biomedical Text and Compositional Attention Networks for Interpretability in Natural Language Question Answering.

Three of us work as Research Engineer in Saama Technologies, Chennai.

Section: Data Science, Machine Learning and AI
Type: DevSprint
Target Audience: Intermediate
Last Updated: