Live Coding: Building a Finite State Machine Library from Scratch

Bhavani Ravi (~bhavaniravi)




Workflows are everywhere and our systems move from one state to another. Recently I was juggling with a system that moves around 8 different states. Finite state machines aka, FSM are a savior for developers dealing with such complex systems, one we don't die on the if...else hell

Libraries like python-statemachines and pytransitions abstract away this complex logic giving us a clean interface. We won't stop there as mere users

During the talk, I will break open the APIs, and reverse engineer them to craft our own state transition library.

  1. Introduction to FSM and it's case (5 mins)
  2. API interfaces of famous libraries (2 mins)
  3. Reverse engineering and live coding (20 mins)
  4. Q&A (3 mins)

What I cannot build you don't understand - Richard Feynmann



Speaker Info:

Bhavani Ravi has been an Independent Software Consultant specialized in Python backend and Data Engineering. She has contributed to Open source libraries like Pandas and Airflow. She advocates for diversity and inclusion and loves teaching Python to other people.

Speaker Links:

Section: Core Python
Type: Talk
Target Audience: Intermediate
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