Extending Python with Rust: Simplicity and Speed in one
Yash Mehrotra (~yash2) |
Python is amazing. It is easy to learn, easy to read and easy to build apps faster, but, sometimes the reasons that make it amazing hinder it's performance. There are ways to get around it. NumPy already does it by using C bindings, and now we can even use Rust to defer certain performance-sensitive tasks.
In this talk, we'll talk about:
- What makes Python so simple
- The drawbacks of using an interpreted language
- How certain libraries use C and other languages to speed it up
- Beginning of rust and why it gained popularity
- How we can use python and rust together
- A demo where we rewrite our pure python implementation to use rust
- Benchmarking our results
Very basic understanding of rust is useful but not required
Speaker Info:
I've been working on and around developer tools for more than 6 years and have been involved in developer productivity initiatives in all the companies I've worked at. I've been a Software Developer, a DevOps Engineer and a Platform Engineer. I currently work as a Senior Software Engineer at Flanksource where we are building a mission-control plane for enterprises.
In my free time, I love playing football and badminton. I am also an avid fan of F1 both for its engineering prowess and exciting drama.
In the past, I've given talks at PyCon India 2023, FOSSASIA Vietnam 2024, Gophercon India 2022 and RootConf Delhi 2020. PyCon holds a special place in my heart as it was my first conference (PyCon 2015) & have been in love with the community ever since. Came for the language, stayed for the communtiy.
Speaker Links:
- Website: https://yashmehrotra.com
- Github: https://github.com/yashmehrotra
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/yashm95
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yashmehrotra/
- Previous Talks: https://yashmehrotra.com/talks/