Building GraphQL microservices using FastAPI
ABY M JOSEPH (~aby) |
FastAPI is a Python web framework built on top of the ASGI standard. The fusion of GraphQL and FastAPI emerges as a pivotal approach for constructing agile and scalable microservices. This talk delves into the symbiotic relationship between GraphQL's query flexibility and FastAPI's high-performance capabilities. Attendees will gain insights into seamless integration techniques, leveraging FastAPI's asynchronous framework, dependency injection, and GraphQL's expressive querying.
- Web API concepts
Speaker Info:
Aby is a Product Engineer at UST, where he specializes in the Python and GraphQL ecosystems.Aby has been a speaker at several Python conferences like Pycascades, PyCon Thailand, EuroPython, and PyCon India and remains actively involved in the Trivandrum Python Community's activities.
He also has experience in resolving various business problems by combining purpose-led research and digital technology innovation with rapid prototyping.