Auto-Insights: Generate Smart Insights on the fly.





A library which can perform generic Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on any dataset on its own with minimum trigger can help in improving overall efficiency of a pipeline and provide quick sight analytics. Although there are few libraries available which automatically creates the basic visualizations and data plots to provide a generic insight on the data distribution, but what is lacking is the availability of a tool which can take smart decisions on the attributes and row values, and can identify any preprocessing requirements and what type of insights can be created for the user.


  1. Understanding of core python
  2. Understanding of numpy datastructures
  3. Basic data analysis knowledge

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Speaker Info:

My name is Sumit Rana. I am currently working as a Senior Software developer at BNI. Although I spent most of my time exploring new technologies I love exploring new places and taking unplanned trips.

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Section: Core Python
Type: Talk
Target Audience: Intermediate
Last Updated: