Apis and python
G Adithya (~g) |
Why python is a good choice (easy to setup,fast development,simple syntaxing) for building apis, what are the different frameworks we can use for it - Flask, django, fastapi etc It will be a session aimed to introduce some of the frameworks and how they work, further moving into stuff like cross origin requests and integration with angular to achieve REST principles. I am a student and am not master in these topics so it would be a relatively introductory level item. The talk can also include Integration with a db to make it into a more of a basic web application building session with something like SQL alchemy and Neon db for serverless postgres (would like your input on that ) Another direction to go would be to further delve into Rest API and see how data would be passed through python for it
Basic python, functions, importing modules
Speaker Info:
2nd year Student at Kgisl Institute of technology, have been working extensively with flask and python over the past 2 years and would like to introduce more people to how python can be an effective solution for building small, quick web apps.