Wielding Python's Wizards: A Guide to itertools and functools

Roshan R Chandar (~Roshan-R)




Embark on an enchanting journey into the realms of Python magic with itertools and functools. In this talk, we will explore the powerful capabilities of these two essential Python modules.

Discover the art of fast and efficient iteration with itertools, making tasks like filtering, combining, and slicing elements a breeze. Then, dive into the world of functools and unlock the true power of Pythonic function manipulation, including partial function application and memoization.

Through real-world examples, we will demonstrate how itertools and functools can solve complex coding challenges and elevate your Python programming to new heights.


  • Introduction and motivation on why using them [5m]
  • Understanding itertools. [9m]
    • Introduction to itertools
    • Fast and efficient iteration with itertools
  • Exploring functools [9m]
    • Introduction to functools
    • Partial function application for code reusability
      • Leveraging memoization for optimized performance
  • Real-world Use Cases [7m]
    • Practical examples of itertools and functools in action
  • QA


No knowledge beyond basic Python is required

Speaker Info:

Roshan is an enthusiastic Python dev with a love for exploring the endless possibilities of Python magic!

An avid FOSS enthusiast, he has contributed to many open source organisations like the GNOME project. Was also one of the winner for this year's FOSSHack 3.0 for the project cherava, a no-code web scraping tool.

Currently working as a backend developer for Strollby with Python microservices and Graphql.

Section: Core Python
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Beginner
Last Updated: