Python + Blockchain: Your Guide to Building Full Stack DApps

laisha wadhwa (~laisha3)




Are you ready to dive into the fascinating world of decentralized applications (DApps) and leverage the power of Python to build your own blockchain-based application? Join me for an exciting workshop where I will guide you through the entire process of building a Full Stack DApp using Python, smart contracts,, and Flask!

In this hands-on workshop, you'll learn how to combine the frontend and backend components of a DApp to create a seamless and decentralized user experience. We'll start by understanding the fundamental concepts of DApps and how they differ from traditional applications. Then, we'll explore the role of smart contracts and their significance in the blockchain ecosystem.

Topics to be covered:

  1. Introduction to DApps and Smart Contracts

    • Understanding the architecture of DApps
    • Exploring the role of smart contracts as backend code on the blockchain
    • Deploying smart contracts to Ethereum (or other compatible blockchains)
  2. Python and

    • Getting started with and its functionalities
    • Interacting with Ethereum blockchain using Python
    • Sending transactions, reading contract data, and managing accounts
  3. Building the Frontend with Flask

    • Setting up a Flask server for the frontend
    • Implementing user interfaces to interact with the smart contract
    • Handling responses and displaying blockchain data on the frontend
  4. Integrating Frontend with Backend (Blockchain)

    • Connecting the Flask frontend to the deployed smart contract
    • Creating interactive forms and components for user interactions
    • Executing transactions and fetching data from the blockchain in real-time

By the end of this workshop, you will have gained a comprehensive understanding of DApp development with Python and You'll be equipped to build your own Full Stack DApps, interact with Ethereum's smart contracts, and harness the power of blockchain technology to create decentralized applications.

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of an engaging and practical workshop where you'll unlock the potential of Python in the world of blockchain development. Let's come together and explore the exciting possibilities of building decentralized applications!


Pre-requisites: - Basic knowledge of Python programming language - Familiarity with web development concepts (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) - Some understanding of blockchain and Ethereum is a plus, but not mandatory

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Speaker Info:

Hey there! I'm Laisha Wadhwa! I'm incredibly excited about the world of technology and its potential to create positive change. As the head of Devrel (Developer Relations) at Pesto tech, I get to engage with brilliant minds in the tech community, fostering connections and helping developers reach new heights.

Before joining Pesto, I was working as a Senior Software Developer at Goldman, where I worked on building consumer banking products and dealt with security and risk aspects of fintech. My passion for Data and Machine Learning led me to explore innovative ways to leverage these technologies for solving real-world problems. However, my journey doesn't stop there. I've been completely captivated by the possibilities that the world of Web3 brings to the table. Building upon my experience, I'm enthusiastically pushing the boundaries of decentralized technology, envisioning how it can transform society and empower individuals like never before.

One of my proudest achievements is the development of RadarFi, a cutting-edge security product that helps protect users in the digital realm. My drive to create tech for social good has been a guiding force throughout my career, and I'm committed to using AI and other groundbreaking technologies to usher in the next generation of revolution.

Beyond my technical expertise, I have ventured into the realm of public speaking, podcasting, and technical writing. Sharing knowledge and insights with the community is something I'm incredibly passionate about, and it gives me immense joy to contribute to the growth and learning of others. As a community builder, I firmly believe in the strength of collaboration and mutual support. I strive to create spaces where like-minded individuals can come together, share ideas, and collectively drive innovation.

In a world that is constantly evolving, I find solace in exploring the vast potential of emerging technologies. I'm an unapologetic tech enthusiast with an insatiable curiosity for what lies ahead.

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Previous Talks: Pydata Global, WWCode Podcast, BlockDataPy Summit

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Section: Blockchain
Type: Workshops
Target Audience: Intermediate
Last Updated: