Streamlining Python Application Deployment with Fabric






In today's fast-paced software development world, deploying applications quickly and efficiently is essential. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) practices help developers achieve this goal by automating the build, testing, and deployment processes. However, configuring and managing these processes can be a challenge, especially for Python applications.

This is where Fabric, a Python library for streamlining SSH tasks, can come in handy. Fabric can help automate tasks like deploying code to remote servers, configuring servers, and executing commands. When combined with CI/CD practices, Fabric can help create a streamlined Python application deployment process that is reliable and repeatable


This talk will provide an overview of how to build a CI/CD pipeline for Python applications using Fabric. We'll cover the basics of Fabric, including how to define and execute tasks, and how to use Fabric to manage SSH connections. We'll then discuss how to integrate Fabric with popular CI/CD tools, such as GitHub Actions, Jenkins and CircleCI. Finally, we'll walk through a practical example of building a Python CI/CD pipeline using Fabric, showcasing how to automate the process of deploying a simple Python application to a remote server.

Attendees of this talk will come away with a solid understanding of how to use Fabric to streamline their Python application deployment process, as well as practical tips for integrating Fabric with popular CI/CD tools.

Speaker Info:

I'm a software developer who loves to experiment with tech, spend time learning new technologies and build products fueling my desire to innovate for a better future.

I currently work as a Product Engineer at Strollby Team in UST, developing and scaling Python based GraphQL micro-service. Apart from work, I'm engaged in a voluntary project with Kerala Police Cyberdome, pursue hobby projects and contribute in open-source community.

I had opportunities to work alongside great teams in start-up eco-system, participate in various hackathons, take workshops to exciting peers and even give tech talks at conferences like PyConf HYD and EuroPython Conference.

Section: Developer tools and automation
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Beginner
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