Building a Better Tomorrow: Responsible AI and the Ethical Imperative





In an increasingly interconnected world, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing industries and transforming the way we live and work. As AI systems become more sophisticated and pervasive, questions about the ethical implications of their deployment and usage are more pressing than ever. This presentation, titled "Building a Better Tomorrow: Responsible AI and the Ethical Imperative," will delve into the critical topic of responsible AI within the context of Ethics and Philosophy.

The presentation will explore the potential benefits of AI while also examining the risks and challenges associated with its application. Participants will gain insights into the principles of responsible AI, including transparency, fairness, accountability, and privacy. We will examine real-world case studies and examples to understand the tangible impacts of responsible AI on individuals and society.

Ethical considerations in AI decision-making processes, algorithmic bias, and the ethical frameworks for AI development and deployment will be discussed. The presentation will delve into the importance of fostering interdisciplinary collaboration between technologists, ethicists, policymakers, and other stakeholders to create AI systems that align with societal values and uphold human rights.

Moreover, the session will highlight ongoing efforts by governments, organizations, and academia in crafting AI guidelines, standards, and regulations that prioritize ethical AI practices. Participants will be encouraged to contemplate the potential long-term consequences of AI advancements and their role in shaping the trajectory of AI development.

By attending this presentation, participants will not only gain a deeper understanding of the multifaceted ethical challenges posed by AI but also be inspired to contribute to the responsible AI movement. The ultimate aim is to harness the power of AI for the collective benefit of humanity while upholding ethical principles that safeguard against harm and promote a sustainable and inclusive future. Together, we can steer AI towards a responsible and human-centric path, ensuring that we are building a better tomorrow for all.

Talk Agenda:

  • Visiting the Evolution and Impact of AI, why AI has to be responsible? - 2 minutes

  • 4 Pillars for successful implementation of Responsible AI -Explainability, Privacy, Fairness and Performance - 16 minutes

  • AI reliability scorecard - An approach to achieve Responsible AI (KPIs, Stakeholders Role, Process to be implemented) - 2 minutes

  • Tools and Techniques for Implementing Responsible AI and A checklist for the AI enthusiasts to understand the ethical and trust aspect of their AI systems.- 5 minutes

  • Q & A - 5 minutes


Interest in AI and Python.

Speaker Info:

I'm a Senior Software Engineer, python enthusiast, working in the Research and Development team of Prodapt solutions with the experience of 3 years. I work in various NextGen Technologies like AI/ML, Blockchain and DevSecOps for the telecom service providers. I have completed my coursework in Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing from IIT-Madras. I have participated and won various external(Smart India Hackathon) and internal technical hackathons conducted within and outside of my organization. My passion for Python drives me to explore its capabilities in addressing diverse challenges, from API development to machine learning operations and user interface building. My recent interest includes research on Ethical and Responsible aspects of an AI system. I have explored on achieving a responsible, secure and ethical AI for enterprises and its implementation through python.

Speaker Links:

My talk on Kubernetes Community Days - CNCF event 1. 2.

My talk on Explainable AI 1.Poster 2.Microsoft Reactor -

My blog on log4j vulnerability 1.

My course works from IIT-Madras 1.Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning - Prof. Balaraman Ravindran 2.Natural Language Processing - Prof. Sutanu Chakraborti SMART INDIA HACKATHON 1.SMART INDIA HACKATHON - 2020 - Winner 2.SMART INDIA HACKATHON - 2019 - Winner

Section: Ethics and Philosophy
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Beginner
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