Securing Smart Contracts with Pythonic Auditing Tools

Kesia Joies (~kesia)




Blockchain smart contract security is essential to protect digital transactions and assets, ensuring trust, transparency, and immutability in decentralized ecosystems. It is essential because it ensures that the contracts cannot be tampered with or hacked, protecting the value and data stored on the blockchain. It is important to note that blockchain smart contracts are not inherently insecure. However, they can be vulnerable to attack if they are not properly designed and implemented. Therefore, it is essential to take steps to secure blockchain smart contracts.

Pythonic auditing tools provide a robust framework for identifying vulnerabilities and ensuring the integrity of smart contracts, bolstering their security in blockchain ecosystems. A key highlight is the integration of security audits, utilizing renowned Pythonic gems like Mythril and Slither. Through hands-on examples, these tools unveil vulnerabilities and fortify the contracts against potential threats. Uncover efficient error handling, gas optimization, and best practices, ensuring your smart contracts stand as secure pillars in the blockchain landscape. Learn how Pythonic gems enhance the trustworthiness of your blockchain creations.

Talk Outline:

  1. Introduction:
  • Importance of smart contracts in blockchain technology.
  • Emphasize the critical role of security in smart contract development.
  1. Understanding Smart Contracts
  • How smart contracts automate and facilitate trust in various industries.
  • Ethereum and Solidity for smart contracts
  1. Python for Smart Contracts
  • Introduction
  • Features of in interacting with Ethereum.
  • Walkthrough of a simple smart contract using Solidity and Python.
  1. Ensuring Security with Python Tools
  • Introduction to Security Auditing
  • Overview of smart contract vulnerabilities and risks.
  • Importance of auditing for identifying and preventing vulnerabilities.
  1. Python Tools for Auditing
  • Mythril and Slither: Introduction and installation.
  • Using Mythril and Slither to analyze smart contracts for potential issues.
  • Other tools
  1. Security Best Practices

Speaker Info:

Kesia Mary Joies is a passionate Python developer. She enjoys leveraging logical thinking to develop software solutions that make people's lives easier. At present, she is focused on developing Strollby - a travel platform that utilises Python microservices with GraphQL backend. She was awarded the Grace Hopper Scholarship for the year 2021, awarded annually to women in Technology. Also, she was recognised recently as the Top 5 Best Women Outgoing Students from India, conducted by IEEE Pune Section and Hope Foundation India. She was a speaker in PyConf Hyderabad 2022, and embarked on her journey as an International speaker at the oldest and longest running volunteer-led Python programming conference, EuroPython Conference 2023.

Section: Blockchain
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Beginner
Last Updated: