Metaprogramming In Python





"Metaclasses are deeper magic than 99% of users should ever worry about. If you wonder whether you need them, you don't (the people who actually need them know with certainty that they need them, and don't need an explanation about why)." -Tim Peters

Metaprogramming is writing programs that manipulate programs. Dive into the deeper python magic of metaprogramming and enhance your understanding of object orientation in Python and its working under the hood.

Metaclasses are used in the internal implementation of Python enums and dataclasses and are used in designing various libraries including web servers (Django) and ORMs (Mongoengine). Get a head start into metaprogramming, deepen your understanding of pythonic object lifecycle and see the power of metaclasses in action.

Content URLs:

Proposal Deck

Speaker Info:

Speaker 1:
Aby is a Product Engineer at UST working in the travel domain. With a keen eye for detail and a desire to improve, he is currently exploring more on the Python microservices and the GraphQL ecosystem. Aby also has experience in resolving various business problems by combining purpose-led research and digital technology innovation with rapid prototyping.

Speaker 2: Aswin is working as Product Engineer at UST, specialising in Python micro services and the GraphQL ecosystem. His hands-on experience in these domains enriches his perspective as a speaker, making him a valuable source of insights into technology, community building, and innovation. Aswin is also a member of the Trivandrum Python community, dedicated to spreading his love for Python throughout his hometown. His mission is to create an inclusive space where Python enthusiasts of all levels can come together to explore the limitless possibilities of the language.

Speaker Links:

Speaker 1: Aby M Joseph Linkedin EuroPython '23

Speaker 2: M Aswin Kishore Linkedin Github Twitter

Section: Core Python
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Intermediate
Last Updated: