Blocking Vs Non-Blocking: Is your Code really concurrent ?

Satyam Soni (~satyamsoni2211)




Blocking Vs Non-Blocking: Is your Code really concurrent ?

In this captivating and insightful talk, we will dive into the fascinating world of concurrency and explore the critical concepts of blocking and non-blocking code. Join us as we unravel the mysteries behind concurrent execution and empower you with the knowledge to create highly efficient and responsive programs.

  • 🚀 What is Concurrency?
  • 🔄 What is Context Switching?
  • ⏳ What is Blocking Code with respect to Asyncio?
  • 🔒 How Does Your Thread Get Blocked?
  • ✅ Best Practises to handle Blocking Code in Asyncio.

Finally, we will unravel the mysteries of thread-blocking scenarios. Journey through the realm of common pitfalls, bottlenecks, and synchronization challenges that can disrupt the harmony of your concurrent code. Equip yourself with practical techniques and best practices to overcome these hurdles and unlock the true potential of Concurrent Programming.

Join us for this captivating talk, where we will demystify concurrency, reveal the power of non-blocking code, and empower you to optimise your programs for ultimate efficiency. Whether you are a seasoned developer or just starting your coding journey, this session promises to leave you inspired and armed with invaluable knowledge to conquer concurrent programming challenges.


  • Python >=3.9
  • VSCode or Editor of their choice (Only if they want to code along)
  • General understanding of Concurrency.

This talk is meant to get developers aware of how to differentiate between blocking and non-blocking code and rectify it, so that they can leverage True concurrency with Asyncio.

Speaker Info:

A Python Enthusiast with 7+ years of experience working across multiple domains, verticals, and Frameworks. I am an active Open-Source contributor, with multiple libraries published over PyPI (lazy-alchemy, py-lambda-warmer, flask-dantic etc.), and currently working as Technology Lead with SenecaGlobal, delivering Python Based Full Stack Solutions to clients.

Speaker Links:

Previous Talks

Pyconf Hyderabad 2022 - Decorators And Generators - Control Your Code With Ease

Published Libraries

PyLambda Warmer - Utility to warm Lambda

Flask-Dantic - Pydantic Validations for Flask

Lazy Alchemy - Loading SQLAlchemy Tables Lazily

Lazy Env Configurator - Loading Env Configuration Lazily

Many More ...

Profile Info

Github Contributions -

LinkedIn - Satyam Soni

Twitter - Satyam Soni

Section: Concurrency
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Intermediate
Last Updated: