Measuring the software project's health with Quality Models

Venu Vardhan Reddy Tekula (~vchrombie)




In the past decade, software development metrics have become a powerful toolkit to measure the project health by providing insights on low-level aspects of the project (e.g., number of commits, number of active users), however, they require to be manually evaluated and combined to derive a holistic picture of the project status. On the other hand, quality models are well-known tools useful to evaluate a project, since they allow decision-makers to understand its status without diving into low-level details. Nevertheless, due to the lack of tooling and missing properties not covered by the standard quality models, operationalizing a quality model and applying it to a specific scenario may turn into a difficult experience.

Prosoul is an open-source tool that lets users create, manage, and visualize their own quality models, operationalizing the latter with software metrics coming from a set of target projects. Prosoul's quality model is composed of coarse-level goals (e.g., sustainability), each one defined as a set of fine-grained attributes (e.g., activity, community), which can be derived from one or more low-level metrics (e.g., number of commits, number of active users).

This talk presents Prosoul & its toolchain/integration with GrimoireLab and showcases it on a set of open-source projects.


The audience of this talk includes community managers and project leaders interested in understanding how to measure the health of their projects and how quality models can help in this process.

Video URL:

Content URLs:

Prosoul Repository:

Demo Slides: Measuring the software project's health with Quality Models

Speaker Info:

Graduate from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India, and also a member of amFOSS, which is a student-run open-source community at Amrita. Student Developer with CHAOSS, a Linux Foundation project as a part of the Google Summer of Code 2020 program, and a contributor to the GrimoireLab project.

Speaker Links:


Twitter: @vchrombie


Section: Others
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Beginner
Last Updated: