Python-based approach to simplify complex JSON structures by flattening them





This approach explores the use of Python programming language to simplify complex JSON structures. By employing a flattening technique, the script takes a JSON object with nested or complex structures and transforms it into a simplified, one-dimensional representation. This process helps to streamline the JSON data, making it easier to work with and analyze. The Python-based approach provides a flexible and efficient solution for handling intricate JSON structures, allowing developers to extract relevant information and perform various operations with ease.


Candidates should have a fair understanding of Data Engineering and types of data. Eg., the candidate should know what is JSON and how will it be like. How complex nested JSON looks like.

Video URL:

Content URLs: --> participated as a speaker in AWS Community Day Hyderabad representing the talk on AWS Glue. --> contains the list of blogs which I have posted. --> GitHub link

Speaker Info:

Arun is a lead data engineer at Presidio with over 7 years of experience in AWS Cloud technologies. He works on designing/developing the data pipeline for streaming as well as batch processing as prescribed by AWS best practices. He also worked on designing the data pipeline architecture for a new product that quickly scaled from 0 to 125000 daily active users. He is also a blockchain enthusiast.

Speaker Links: --> participated as a speaker in AWS Community Day Hyderabad representing the talk on AWS Glue. --> contains the list of blogs which I have posted. --> GitHub link

Section: Data Science, AI & ML
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Intermediate
Last Updated: