Getting Started in IoT using Raspberry Pi and Python





Do you want to venture into areas of IoT using Python and Raspberry Pi? If you want to know how to get started, this talk is for you. The talk will start with different types of Raspberry Pi and their usage in different areas. It will cover different areas including:

  • Installing Raspbian OS
  • Python libraries required for IoT
  • How to run Hello Raspberry
  • What is GPIO and how it can be used.
  • How to connect the sensors physically
  • Programming to get data from the sensors
  • Sending the data to the server

The talk will consist of the mix of slide show and videos. The videos will show the interaction with the physical device and wiring. The code and the required material will be available in public domain.

Key Takeaways

  • The audience will know how to get started in collecting data from sensors using Raspberry Pi using Python.
  • Audience will also know how to send the data to the server.

Video: About the talk

Disclaimer : This talk is my personal and not for my employer.


  • Basic knowledge of Python

Video URL:

Content URLs:

The talk will be based on this blog.

Speaker Info:

Sameer Khandekar is a Software Engineer at Microsoft. He has been a maker for several years and has contributed to various communities including and GitHub. He is also a speaker at various code camps and meetups.

Speaker Links:

  • LinkedIn:
  • GitHub:
  • Blog:
  • Twitter: @sameerIoTApps

Section: Embedded Python and IOT
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Beginner
Last Updated: