Unleashing the Power of the Lambda Function in Python

Avinash Dalvi (~AvinashDalvi89)




A Lambda Function in Python is an anonymous function or a function which doesn't have any name. It is a mostly one liner and restricted function. Because one line function covers many lines of code which make the lambda function powerful and avoids cluttering up the code with function definitions. One of most common use case it

During the talk we will learn - History - Discover Lambda Functions? - Power of Lambda Functions - Lambda Functions vs. Named Functions - When - Lambda And Its Super friends


  • Aware of basic of Python

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Speaker Info:

12+ Years of experienced as Full Stack Developer. Also worked as architect for building solutions and product to help for automation. Solution-oriented and hands-on technical utility player. Having experience of more than 4 years of experience in E commerce and finance in each domain. Experience in having driving business automation, marketing using technology. Strong follower of open source technology. Used PHP, Python, AWS and Angular as technology stack to build product. AWS Community builder and supporting co-organiser of Docker Bangalore Meetup.

Speaker Links:

Blog : https://www.internetkatta.com/

Github Contribution : https://github.com/AvinashDalvi89?tab=repositories

YouTube channel : https://www.youtube.com/@LearnwithAvinashDalvi/

Portfolio link : https://avinashdalvi.com/ here most of other talk are present.

Section: Core Python
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Beginner
Last Updated: