Accelerate Your Data Science and MLOps Workflow with DVC, PyCaret, and FastAPI

Tezan Sahu (~tezan)




Imagine if you could reduce the time and effort you spend on data preparation and model deployment by up to 80%. Imagine if you could focus more on the creative and impactful aspects of data science and machine learning. Imagine if you could build and deploy ML models in just 30 minutes!

Sounds too good to be true? Well, it’s not.

In this talk, I will show you how to use DVC, PyCaret, and FastAPI, three open-source tools that can help you streamline your data science and MLOps workflow. You will learn how to:

  • Use DVC to track your data and models in a Git-like manner
  • Use PyCaret to set up experiments and compare different ML models
  • Use FastAPI to create a RestfulAPI server to host your ML model
  • Deploy your ML model & use it for individual as well as bulk inferencing

By the end of this talk, you will have a working web API that can predict heart failure risk based on some input features. You will also have the skills and knowledge to use DVC, PyCaret, and FastAPI for your own data science and MLOps projects. Whether you are new to these tools or want to improve your existing skills, this talk will give you a hands-on introduction to DVC, PyCaret, and FastAPI, three of the most popular tools for data science and MLOps.


  • Basic understanding of Python & Git
  • Basic knowledge of ML algorithms
  • Enthusiasm to learn about Data Versioning, Quick Iterations in ML Model Development, MLOps & Model Deployment

Speaker Info:

Tezan Sahu is a Data & Applied Scientist at Microsoft working with the Bing Autosuggest team, an AI Consultant, and an Amazon #1 Best-Selling Author (for his book "Beyond Code"). With a B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering and a Minor degree in Computer Science from IIT Bombay, Tezan's expertise lies in AI, NLP, and data science. Tezan also completed Google Summer of Code (GSoC) with the PEcAn Project. An AI enthusiast at heart, he also empowers marketers to elevate their campaigns with cutting-edge AI tools, streamlining processes and boosting customer engagement, through his personalized consulting services. Beyond his technical pursuits, he finds joy in the arts, showcasing his talent through painting and singing.

Section: Data Science, AI & ML
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Intermediate
Last Updated: