Music Making with Python and FoxDot

Sangarshanan (~Sangarshanan)




A whimsical introduction to making music and live coding beats with Python, during this talk I will use FoxDot, Supercollider and write Python code while exploring different techniques for coding beats. We will code some music during the course of the talk and conclude with a fun live little musical live demonstration where i might even play an instrument along with the Python generated music provided the demo gods stand by my side!!

Here is the proposed outline for the talk:

  • (2 min) Introduction to live-coding
    • whoami
    • what is live-coding
  • (10 mins) Foxdot 101
    • Architecture - TkinterGUI + Supercollider
    • Installation and Setup
    • Musical constructs in FoxDot
      • Basic Player object states
      • Scheduling methods on objects
      • Time variables i.e Clocks
      • Coding repeatable Patterns
      • Custom Samples and Synths
  • (3 min) Beatmaking 101
    • What goes into a beat
  • (5 mins) Programming Constructs == Musical Contructs
    • Live loops are just Loops !!
    • Intervals are just Arrays !!
    • Synths and Samples
    • Basic beat + Synth Loop
  • (5 mins) Conclusion
    • Demo the Beat
    • Add some synth + Magical ✨ instrument
    • Possibilities !! Concurrency + Custom samples + Randomization and much more


Prior knowledge of basic Python and Programming constructs is expected which I bet everyone at a Python conference should have! This talk will be fairly easy to follow for anyone with little or no music or live-coding experience

Speaker Info:

My name is Sangarshanan and I am a Software Engineer from planet Earth. I love making stuff that helps and amuses me in equal measure and standing upside down while holding a banana. When I'm bored you can find me making absurdist memes, yet another spotify playlist or staring straight into the void

Speaker Links:

  • Github:
  • Youtube:

Section: Others
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Intermediate
Last Updated: