Your Guide To Cracking Machine Learning In Python

Karthik Sirasanagandla (~karthiks)


Machine Learning is the NEW and HOT elephant in the room. It is the market buzzword that you get to hear where ever you go. There is just no end to the hot gossips of how it is the future gold. You heard it enough and got curious to jump into the rat race for the unforeseen GOLD. You turn to every blog, article, course and what not on advises and guide to learning ML quickly so that you are market ready. Days pass by, and before you realize months pass by only to get disappointed with yourself that you haven't gotten a hang of it. If this is you or you have lost your hopes, then this talk is for you to help take that golden second chance to grasping Machine Learning albeit the hard way. If you haven't reached this point, you may skip this talk at your own risk; or be smart to just give this talk a chance to see if it lives the hype it sounds.

Truth be told, this talk is based on the first hand hard experience the speaker has been through to cracking his way to learning ML. He shares his prescription of what could most likely work for you and why. Learning is hard and getting that right guidance to learn what and how is harder. Come hear the speaker share his tips to faster learning that is based on his humble and hard experience of working his way through learning things in ML on the Python stack.


Better if you have that bitter experience of attempting to get dirty with Machine Learning and got stuck.

It really is okay if you don't have that bitter experience, but do make sure you have that curiosity to listen and learn from others experience when you come for this talk. This should be enough to jump start your learning (may be, again???).

Content URLs:

I blog about tech and stuff on varied platforms. Some of them being:


Some of my code/works are available in

Speaker Info:

This "Tell about yourself" section is always a crazy thing for many for varied reasons. To me, i wouldn't like to rinse and repeat things, at least about me..just got too bored about it. And I don't want to be that mysterious man because I understand you. So do take a peek at my Linkedin profile, which is a single source of truth to learn all about me.

About Me In A Line : A serial failed entrepreneur who is continuing to dream to impact people positively by leveraging technology.

Speaker Links:

  • Blogger:
    • Medium: @codonomics (and also via HackerNoon, Tools for Entrepreneurs)
    • Slideshare: codonomics
    • SpeakerDeck: karthiksirasanagandla
    • Github: karthiks
    • BitBucket: karthiks SpeakerRate:
    • Android Play Store :
    • StackOverflow:
    • LinkedIn:
    • Acclaim:
    • Kaggle: codonomics
    • AnalyticsVidya: karthiks

Section: Data Science, Machine Learning and AI
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Beginner
Last Updated: