Python Packaging - where we are and where we're headed
Pradyun Gedam (~pradyunsg) |
(why are you reading this now?)
Python's packaging story is not one of the "smooth" portions of the language, often called out as one of the main pain points when working with the language.
This talk will explain the role of various tools in the Python packaging ecosystem and bring attendees up to speed on the recent improvements in the area. In addition, it will also discuss some of the ideas currently being worked on, for improving our packaging story in the future.
By the end of this talk, attendees will have a better understanding of what the "packaging ecosystem" is and what the tools can help accomplish. This should enable them to make informed decisions for packaging their projects, without needing step by step instructions. Attendees will also be made aware of the recent improvements, their significance and what improvements may happen in the future.
This talk is for anyone that has been confused by Python Packaging (read: everyone). A minimal amount of familiarity with how Python Packaging works is needed.
Content URLs:
The approximate flow of the talk will be as follows:
- Introduction [2 mins]
- "where we are" [10-12 mins]
- What is "packaging ecosystem"? [5 mins]
- tooling and usecases covered [3 mins]
- The "packaging gradient" [2 mins]
- Recent developments in this area [5 mins]
- PyPA's approach for making improvements [1 mins]
- What is "packaging ecosystem"? [5 mins]
- “where we’re headed” [10-12 mins]
- Future improvements to the tools
- New standards under discussion
- PEPs / collaboration on the horizon
- Closing notes [2-3 mins]
- General recommendations
- Summary
[redacted by speaker because this has spoilers] :P
Speaker Info:
Pradyun volunteers his time to work on Python Packaging.
He is a PSF Fellow, a member of the Python Packaging Authority, a member of the TOML Core Team and a Google Summer of Code 2017 Fellow. He is also a maintainer of multiple Python packaging related tools including pip and virtualenv, and a contributor to, setuptools, twine and more.
Speaker Links:
Personal Website (contains email and links to multiple social media platforms)