Interactive UI automation and Web scraping using Jupyter selenium

savanmorya (~savanmorya)


Automated testing is one of the essential and tedious part of software development cycle. Developing the automated test script using any porgraming languages / framework is easy but debuging it always is the most difficult part. In the python community, selenium is one of the most popular framework used for test automation. Developing automation test script using selenium is kinda time consuming, sometime it becomes very frustrateting because one failure leads to run, debug and analyze the flow from start.

Jupyter notebook is most popular package which widly adopted in data science community because of it's interactive nature, bringing this for developing automatated test script will make life of automation engineers fairly easy. Automation using selenium lacks the interaction with browser while developing it, you can only see the output of the script after completly developing it {output can not be verified every next step while developing}. I propose a very interactive method for developing automated test script, scripts can be verified while developing it. Combined uses of jupyter notebook and selenium will enable to develop test script on real time. Selenium driver will be available for interaction in the jupyter environment which will enables developer to find the xpaths of the elements and then perform the actions simultaneously.

Use cases of this approach [Pyhton + Jupyter Notebook + Selenium]

  1. Web Automation

    • Interactive Web automation
    • Higher Debugging efficiency
    • Reduced script development time
  2. Web Scraping

  • Scraping data from any portal if there is not APIs
  • Data scraping can also run in headless mode, which will be easily used while training ml model.
  • Very interactive compared to other scraping methods

This approach is must be shared across the industries to efficiently develop the test automation scripts.


  • Python basics
  • Basic selenium knowledge
  • Basics of jupyter notebook {Not Mandatory}

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Speaker Info:

2 years of experience in software automation industry, currently working on RPA solution at SAP Labs Bangalore. I have exeperience of different kind of approach/solution/framework adopted in the industry. Currently working as Machine learning developer with a goal to build intelligent and faster automation solution.


Speaker Links:

Innovation award @sap labs:

Asia Biggest Automation Hackthon runner up:

Section: Developer tools and automation
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Intermediate
Last Updated: