Entering the world of Serious Games with Python
Harshinee Sriram (~HarshineeSriram) |
Serious games are games whose primary purpose is not providing a source of entertainment. They are intricately researched and developed to help with medical treatment. One subclass deals with mental health treatment and this is an emerging field with a high scope for research. Serious games can work in these case scenarios:
- The military,
- The government,
- The education system, as well as,
- Health care systems.
What will this talk include?
The major topics that will be covered by the talk are:
- What are serious and therapeutic games?
- Stages involved in serious game development
- Current examples of therapeutic games
- Why should we use Artificial Intelligence in Serious Games?
- Artificially Intelligent Techniques in Serious Games
- Decision Making
- Decision Trees
- Fuzzy Logic
- Virtual Affective Agents
- Tools and Libraries
- What does the future hold?
Who is this talk for?
This talk includes (and is not limited to) the following audience categories:
- Students who want to understand a new dimension of Python capabilities
- Current researchers in the field of Artificial Intelligence for
Healthcare or Python for Healthcare - People curious about how therapeutic gaming and mobile treatment facilities
- Basic to intermediate coding experience in Python programming
(And that is all because this is a beginner level talk.)
Content URLs:
Refer to this link for the draft slides of this talk: Entering the world of Serious Games with Python
Preview video: Click on this link for the video
Since this is a research-oriented field, the context and materials are primarily derived from papers and articles, two of them include:
- Base paper for the context of the talk: https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/honorstheses/148/
- Supplementary paper for the context: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/600034
- Book referred to for the content: Artificial Intelligence in Behavioural and Mental Health Care, edited by David D. Luxton
Speaker Info:
Harshinee Sriram is a junior in SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur and a member of the Artificial Intelligence Research Team in the Association of Computing Machinery - SRM Chapter. She has interned at the National University of Singapore (NUS) as Artificial Intelligence Intern and is an incoming Visiting Research Scholar at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.
Her area of research revolves around developing Artificially Intelligent devices that help identify, regulate, and combat a range of mental health conditions. She is the author of an Amazon Bestseller titled The Horrors of Happiness and a co-author of the book Horn OK Please - Pandora's Box - yearly proceeds of which are donated to the Dalai Lama Trust for advancement and welfare. Apart from this, she is also an active LGBTQ+ activist who believes that every little action, when considered cumulatively, can help make a difference in the picturesque series of fleeting moments that we call the Human Life.
She was also the youngest speaker in the panel for the Anxiety Tech Conference which was held at the Microsoft Reactor Space in 11 Times Square, New York City on the 23rd of August, 2019.
Speaker Links:
- My official website: https://harshinee.com
- My Github page: https://github.com/harshineesriram
- To learn more about my talk at the Anxiety Tech Conference, New York: https://anxietytech.com