Competitive Programming with Python

Anubhaw Bhalotia (~anubhaw)


I beleive that one can see the world from an entirely new perspective through the eyes of Algorithms.

In this talk, I'd like to throw light on the fact that competitive programming could become a lot faster when coded in Python. Python provides a lot of additional library and function support which allows a sports programmer to run faster in marathon. Almost all the coding competitions all over the world allows for submission to be made in python. A big C++ code could be compressed to half when written in python. The runtime of programs written in python is a lot more than the similar code written in C++, but all the online judges are caliberated according to this constraint and the time limit for questions are generally 5x of what it is provided for C++ codes.

I'd like to discuss how competitive programming could be done smoothly in python. I'll start with basic python syntax and semantics and then I'll proceed with the implementation of few basic algotrithms such as searching, sorting, recursion, hashing, greedy algorithms and other basic techniques. My main focus would be to make attendees comfortable with python for competitive programming and show them how amazing the world of competitive programming is.

Almost all the recruiting companies test their candidates on the basis of their knowledge on Data Structure and Algorithms. The interviews are generally short and fast paced. Python could be of great help in such situations.


  • Basic understanding of generic programming concepts (any language)

Speaker Info:

Anbhaw Bhalotia is a final year student at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Una. He's been practicing coding since when he was 11 years old. His main interests are developing advanced algorithms involving the use of complex mathematics and advance data structures. He is the winner of famous Hackathon Hack on Hills 3.0. He was selected for SDE internship at Amazon Development Center, Berlin for the summers of 2019. He has recently developed a new interface which takea input by waving an LED light in front of webcam. Users can simply write on air and the computer recognises and understands the text and gestures.

Speaker Links:

Section: Core Python
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Beginner
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