Building interactive data visualisations with Altair & Django



As Data becomes more and more important in all spheres of life, interactive data visualization on the web, can go a long way in understanding and processing large amounts of complex data. Python offers many powerful libraries for visualization (Bokeh, Seabourne, Matplotlib etc). In this talk, I will present Altair, one of its newest additions. Altair is based on the powerful vega-lite javascript library and it allows for

  • Creating graphs using an intuitive grammar
  • Client level interaction
  • Interactions across graphs
  • Styling and integrating with the broader website without limiting front end developers

The aim of the presentation is to create a quick and simple interactive data visualisation portal with Altair, using Django as backend.

The talk will cover in the following manner:

  • Comparison of Python data visualization libraries (Matplotlib, Altair, Bokeh ?) (5 minutes)
  • Quick demo of Altair with Jupyter notebook (4 mintues)
  • Integrating altair with web frameworks example with Django (3 minutes)
  • Power of Altair - Declarative API, Visualization Grammer, Interactivity (8 minutes)
  • Putting it all together Data dashboard with 100 lines of code (4 minutes)



  • Working knowledge of Python


  • Basics of Django
  • Basics of data visualization Libraries.
  • Familiarity with Pandas.

Content URLs:

Demo of web visualisation can be viewed here.

Code for the demo is available in the git repository here.

Draft Slide Deck is available here

Demo Jupyter Notebook here

Audience may find the below links useful, but they are not pre-requisite.

Altair Declarative Visualization in Python.

Vega-lite - A grammar of interactive graphics.

Speaker Info:

Rajesh Golani

Rajesh is an electrical engineering graduate from IIT Madras. After working in the corporate sector for 10 years, he quit and started contributing his programming skills for social initiatives in India. Over the last seven years, he has been a part of the LibTech India team, which started with a research program at Stanford University. In this project, he has contributed his technical skills to reducing corruption and improving accountability in basic public services in India.

Speaker Links:

Github : rajesh241

Section: Data Science, Machine Learning and AI
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Intermediate
Last Updated: