RESTful APIs in Python: Django Rest Framework 101

Piyush Maurya (~piyushmaurya23)




Introduction to creating RESTful APIs in Python using django framework. This workshop is for everyone who develops web application backends or mobile app backends.

Content which will be covered in workshop are as follows:

  • HTTP methods
  • Django Models
  • Request & Response
    • Status Codes
  • Serializers
    • Nested Serializers
  • DRF classy views
  • Hyperlinked APIs
  • Permissions
    • Authentication
    • Authorization
  • Viewsets and Routers

In this workshop, we will be building Medium Clone from scratch by creating RESTful APIs.


  • Familiarity to *nix operating system.
  • Basic python 3 & OOP concepts.
  • Knowledge about HTTP and web development is plus.

Speaker Info:

Piyush Maurya:

Piyush is currently working at Infosys, Mysuru & active volunteer @bangpypers. He has 2.5 years of experience in Python/Django, which includes building college event portal to large scale enterprise. He lives in Mysuru and can be found at every BangPypers Meetup. Nowadays, he is experimenting with Flutter SDK and uses django-rest-framework to build APIs for mobile apps.

Karan Shah:

Karan is currently working at Infosys, Mysuru. Right now he is exploring Flutter SDK and trying to develop a cross platform app.

Section: Web development
Type: Workshops
Target Audience: Beginner
Last Updated: