Julia. An upgrade to Python Programming Language

prakhar srivastava (~prakhar91)




Julia Programming Language

The Julia programming language is proving to be a new paradigm shift in the data science community due to it's easy to pick up syntax like python but and execution speed equivalent to C, this is possible due to flexible types and JIT compiler. The speed and user-friendliness are only some of its good parts. This talk delves deeper into understanding, how can Julia be the next language on your learning list.

Outcomes of the talk

  • What is Julia?
  • How can I get it into my daily workflow
  • What Julia offers that Python does not
  • Understanding benefits of shifting to Julia
  • How can a python-ista shift to Julia


  • Laptop with Julia up and running

Content URLs:

  1. https://docs.julialang.org/en/release-0.4/
  2. https://julialang.org/
  3. Ppt (soon)

Speaker Info:

Hello World! I'm Prakhar Srivastava, junior year undergrad, a recently born Julia-n, I do a lot of code in Julia and move back and forth from Julia to Python to C. I'm a deep learning practitioner and loves Astronomy. I recently got selected into Google Summer of Code under OpenAstronomy org and my project's fundamental language is Julia. I'm a computer science by day and dancer by night. Currently, I'm fiddling with Julia and it's awesomeness and I'll offer you nothing less than awesome.

Speaker Links:

  1. http://prsr.me
  2. https://linkedin.com/in/prakharcode
  3. https://github.com/prakharcode

Section: Others
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Beginner
Last Updated: