Google Stock Price Time Series Prediction with RNN(LSTM) using pytorch from Scratch

Kaustabh Ganguly (~KaustabhGanguly)




I will show you how to predict google stock price with the help of Deep Learning and Data Science . The predictions are not realistic as stock prices are very stochastic in nature and it's not possible till now to accurately predict it . As I'll only have 30 mins to talk , I can't train the data and show you as it'll take several hours for the model to train on google collab .

So , I will show you :

  • Basics of Recurrent Neural Networks and LSTM
  • Basics of pytorch
  • Coding line by line with describing every words
  • Then starting to train the model and prematurely closing it and move forward to show you the results that I'll bring with me after training .


You should have basic pyTorch understanding but I'll guide you anyways through the basics . Basic understanding of LSTM or RNN is preferred but not required .

Content URLs:

A sample code can be found here :

Speaker Info:

I'm a 3rd year Engineering student at Kalyani Government Engineering College , West Bengal , India . I'm a data science enthusiast and I interned at a machine learning startup called from June till August , 2018 . I'm obsessed with AI and my hobby is to study new cutting edge deep learning algorithms and research papers .

Speaker Links:

Follow me on github : Connect with me on linkedin :

Section: Data science
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Intermediate
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