Generating Algorithmic Music and Melodies with Python-sonic

Nehsus (~nehsus)




Sonic Pi: An open-source live coding platform developed by Dr Sam Aaron aims to explore and teach programming concepts based primarily on the process of creating new sound. We will venture deeper into the live coding platform and produced different genres/styles on music while coding live and dwell further into performing algorithmic music on a wider scale.

I have tinkered with different styles of tones and sounds in sonic-pi and Python and re-created a rendition of popular 21st century music, only through algorithmic-generation, and seek to promote appreciation about open-source software such as sonic-pi and aim to demonstrate it's applications, along with the use of Python over the course of a thirty minute-talk and demo, in the rendition of producing Algorithmic-Music Live, during the course of the talk.

By the end of the session, I aim to establish a better understanding of Live-coding, Programming Music and Intelligent-dance music Artists such as Aphex Twin.

The flow of the talk will be as follows:

  • Self Introduction
  • Introduction to Music-theory and Sound Generation
  • Introduction to Live Coding and Python-sonic
  • Understanding the algorithmic workflow
  • Diving beyond: Guitars, drums and Piano
  • Produce an algorithmic-track!
  • End of talk
  • Q&A Session

We shall also fiddle with a physical midi-controller if we find time, and demonstrate various interesting forms and styles of music; We will also be producing a popular 21st century track from scratch!


  1. A curiosity for algorithmically-produced music, Python and open-source software.
    1. Basic Music theory knowledge is appreciated, but anything relevant will be covered during the talk.

Content URLs:

A few topics I will be covering, I would not be covering everything in detail, but hope to highlight important aspects from these links over the talk session:


By the end of this talk, I aim to instil a much better idea about Live Coding and Programming Music

Speaker Info:

My name is Sushen Kumar. I am a currently pursuing a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science at Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute Of Technology, Bangalore.

Over the course of my academia I have dabbled into a few open-source projects, as well as contributed to open-source organisations on GitHub:

  • Attended several hackathons around India: (Winner-ValuePitch Hack, Runners' up- IESA Makeathon)
  • Given talks and held beginner sessions on Creative Coding in Python and sonic-pi.
  • Completed three grades in hindustani-classical music-theory, with 8+ years of experience in playing the Guitar and Harmonium.
  • Received 3 Honours and Awards (National level).
  • I absolutely love Music and Coding, and aim to merge this passion and demonstrate the applications of Python and open-source frameworks in Music Production by means of this talk :)

Speaker Links:


Section: Others
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Beginner
Last Updated: