First Steps into Web Development using Django Framework

Chhavnish Mittal (~chhavnish)




Ever thought of Building a brilliant website but don't want to waste time in setting up or do the boring server setup for it or it's too hard for you to make your website secure from attackers. Well, Django is here to solve these problems for you. Django is a rich MVC-MVT Python web Framework for the website which will do all these tasks for you.

After this workshop, you will be able to create dynamic high-security web applications and perform CRUD operations by interacting with the database of your choice. We will be creating a blog website where users can log in, create blogs, rate them, etc.


Laptop with Python3 installed and Pycharm (or any of your favourite IDE).

Content URLs:

Will be updated soon

Speaker Info:

Chhavnish Mittal is a Software Engineer at cellOS Software Systems Pvt. Ltd.. a Network Analytics organization where his role is to develop High Speed Softwares capable of handling 20.80 GBPS of data and processing it.

Prior to joining cellOS. Chhavnish was a student researcher and project leader at Manav Rachna's Innovation and Incubation centre where he had also written 2 Research Papers.

He also founded DELHI NCR JUG in India in collaboration with Oracle.

He has received numerous awards for his work including the Young Innovator Award by MeltingPot2020. He earned his Bachelors in Technology Degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Manav Rachna International Universit

Speaker Links:

Section: Web development
Type: Workshops
Target Audience: Beginner
Last Updated: