Evolution and basics of Machine Learning





My talk would be starting from the very grounds of machine learning. What is it and how is it connected with our biological brain. I will be introducing some biological concepts and infrastructure of our brain to explain to them how our natural ability of thinking and deduction work, because at last the whole field of artificial intelligence is just an attempt to mimic our brain. Isn't it? This will be through a series of fun QnA. Then we will see the mathematics core which enables us to lay down the logic and basics of the brain as formulas. - Then we will start with the classic linear regression. Will study the basic idea behind it and also see what kind of problems we should apply it. - Next will be the logistic regression, a classification algorithm. Learn the difference between these two and how logistic regression could be implemented and study the beautiful mathematics behind it. - Then we will go for a clustering algorithm, that is, Knn. Study the simple dynamics and application of this algorithm - Then a glimpse over the structure and mathematics of neural network. As this talk is for the novice I would keep the mathematics to the minimum and would no go deep into "deep" learning. We will wrap up seeing some of my projects in action so that the audience could feel the power of AI.

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Speaker Info:

A Researcher | Machine Learning engineer | Backend Developer | Entrepreneur. Currently working as Research Assistant at IIIT Delhi. Director in Greatech Soft Solutions Private Limited. Have taken over 10+ talks on machine learning. Python lover. 99% of my work is in python be it ML or Web Development (Django, Flask). Love to be on stage. Hardcore Hackathon crazy.* Won over 7 Hackathons* including Angel Hack and TATA Crucible(North Zone). Participated in F8 Hackathon in San Jose,CA (sponsored) and Ultrahack Sprint 1 in Helsinki, Finland (Remotely).

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Section: Data science
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Beginner
Last Updated: