Walkthrough cpython 3.6 source code

Prashanth Raghu (~PrashanthRaghu)




This talk will be an introduction to cpython from a source code level. We will walk through the source code of python from the parser, compiler, assembler and interpreter phases. We will also understand the design of the garbage collector, memory allocator from a source code perspective. We shall also explore the different design philosophies of cpython. There will be special emphasis on python objects such as lists, tuples, dictionaries etc and their design internals. This talk is for people who are interested to explore how cpython works internally.


  1. Python source code.
  2. gdb
  3. eclipse latest version
  4. linux
  5. make

Content URLs:

Please read the books available for free download from


The books are authored by the same speaker.

Speaker Info:

I am Prashanth Raghu and my interest in python began back in 2009 when I was studying at PES University, Bangalore. I used python as a part of my internship project in my final year. It was used to develop a hybrid cloud app with the web front end designed in PHP and monitoring and load testing on python. I was a Google Summer of Code scholar for the year 2014. ( My work: https://github.com/openstack/zaqar/tree/master/zaqar/storage/redis ).

I studied at National University of Singapore and did my Masters in Wireless Computation with a research paper between 2013-2014. I was struck by a rare disease called Steven Johnson Syndrome in 2015 due to this my startup failed. At this crucial time I decided to do something of my interest and opened up the source code of python 2.7. I was amazed at the simplicity yet profoundness of the architecture and decided to share my views with the world. And the result of my efforts for a couple of months has resulted into the book “Internals of Cpython 2.7” and “Internals of Cpython3.6” available as a free download under CC 4.0 license.

Speaker Links:

Section: Core Python
Type: Workshops
Target Audience: Advanced
Last Updated: