Taming the whale with snakes - Working with Docker using Python

Arush Salil (~arush-sal)




Docker is the buzz word of the moment and it is taking over the industry by a storm. The talk primary focus on below:

  • An Introduction to Docker
  • Describing Docker core components such as:
    • Docker containers
    • Docker images
    • Docker image layers
    • Dockerfile
    • Docker image build process

Moreover, how you can leverage Docker functionality natively from your python application using the "docker" module from the Python Package Index repository. Enabling you to create and manage Docker images and Docker containers.


Since this is a beginner level session, you only need to have an introductory knowledge about following:

  • Basic Computer knowledge
  • Basic knowledge about GNU/Linux operating system

Content URLs:

The Github repo will have everything from the talk including the basic agenda, slides and the code that will be shown during the talk.

Speaker Info:

I am a big time dog and cat lover, who:

  • Starts to preach about Linux at every chance given.
  • Is having a serious affair with Docker & Containers.
  • Is a Gopher & Pythonist.
  • Works as a Cloud DevOps and Automation Engineer for a living.
  • Eats, if not sleeping, riding my bike or working.

Speaker Links:

You can find me at:

Github account

Twitter account

Link to my personal website.

Section: Infrastructure
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Beginner
Last Updated: