Static Code Analysis for your project

Satwik Kansal (~satwik)




Who wouldn't want their codebase to follow best practices and be compliant to the standards in all aspects?

In the current world, where there are myriad of static code analysis tools available for the language of your choice, choosing the right set of tools could be very difficult. This talk will introduce the audience to coala, a language agnostic static code analysis framework that can fix your code pretty easily. coala supports 65+ languages, provides access to almost all the major static analysis tools for these languages and even allows the users to write their own analysis routines.

Agenda of the talk

  • Quick introduction to coala and it's projects.
  • Live demonstration of multiple possible ways of using coala.
  • Linting and fixing any codebase with coala.
  • Writing your own analysis routinces (a.k.a Bears in coala) for coala.


Basic programming knowledge.

Speaker Info:

I'm a freelance Software Developer and Google Summer Of Code 2017 student at coala. I like writing code, participating in Hackathons, and attending conferences. And lastly, I prefere all things Python!

Section: Others
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Intermediate
Last Updated: