Open Source Intelligence with Python made Super Easy

Akash Thakur (~zerocool443)




Open Source Intelligence refers to the collection of open source data on INTERNET for the purpose of using data for intelligence mining. Python begin super easy and modular help in building all the small blocks/pipes for getting that data. There a lot of python wrappers made by contributors that i used to develop a framework that can help in gathering of data from one single end point.


Working around with API's to fetch data. Basic Understanding of Intelligence Types

Python libraries : facebook twittersearch piplapis requests argparse json

Speaker Info:

Hi! I’m Akash Thakur. I’m a Chennai based Developer , Pentester, Speaker, Trainer and Cyber Security Enthusiast. Currently pursuing my bachelor degree in IT from SRM Univerisyt Chennai.I come from land of Gods Himachal Pradesh. I am a huge Python fan and love to do my all codes in Python apart from low level stuff :P

I’m currently working on Machine Learning applications in Cyber Security and often develop script/tools to automate my findings.

I also write about Cyber Security Stuff :D You can check out my blog (

I also run a Youtube Channel on Computers and Internet Security (

Speaker Links:

Section: Security
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Intermediate
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