Making a Realtime Information Dashboard with Flask, JQuery and Firebase

Gur Raunaq Singh (~gurraunaqsingh)




The aim of the talk is to demonstrate the use of Flask, JQuery and Firebase in sync to make a Realtime Information Dashboard.

A common use of such a Dashboard is in fortune 500 companies which usually have a large screen in display with mostly having a slideshow of images on display, which only provides aesthetic values.

As part of my internship as a Data Scientist, I worked on making such a Information Dashboard which is of huge value to all the teams working in the office, providing them real-time information relevant to them such as Project Status, Past and Present Sales figures of certain commodities, employee milestones and much more.

The goal of the talk would be to show that making a basic working prototype of such a Dashboard can be done in less than 15 minutes.


  1. Basic Knowledge of Python
  2. Basic Knowledge of APIs

Content URLs:

Will update soon.

Speaker Info:

I (Gur Raunaq Singh) am a final year Computer Science undergrad student at GTBIT, New Delhi. I am currently working as a Data Science Intern at AB-inBev in Bangalore, one of the Top 10 FMCG companies in the World.

Previously, I have participated and won over 11 hackathons in the past year including Grand Prize at AngelHack Delhi, 2016.

More about me at :

Speaker Links:




Section: Web Development
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Beginner
Last Updated: