Real time web apps using django-channels
sinwar (~sinwar) |
I'll demonstrate a complete talk on real time apps using django-channels. Here real time apps means for example people can chat live or notifications can be generated live(like fb) It includes discussion about - (1). django request response cycle - By default django runs on a request response cycle. For some request response is genersted but by using django channels response can be generated without request. (2). websockets - what is websockets? How to implement websockets with django-channels? (3). django channels and groups - description about django channels and groups (4). deployment of real time apps - deployment of the real time apps developed on django-channels
Python, Sound knowledge of django
Content URLs:
official documentation - real time chat app developed by me -
Speaker Info:
Hi I'm a Python(+Django) developer and a open source contributor ( contributed to pinax and duckduckgo ).
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