Natural Language processing for beginners(NLTK)





Natural Language Processing with python:

A talk about how we may leverage python(Natural language tool kit) to perform operations on text and use the same for various use cases. Basics of how to do few of the operations using NLTK and use the same in analysis.

The talk is going to be focused on how to use NLP and will include few demos of the same. Topics to be covered include processing raw text, categorization & tagging, Information extraction, and few other basic concepts.


Basic python knowledge.

Content URLs:

Contents/Topics to be covered:

  1. Introduction of language processing
  2. Raw text processing
  3. Basics of text classification and tagging
  4. Basics of information extraction

Yet to start on the presentation.

Speaker Info:

I am a big data engineer with around 3 years of experience. I have worked on natural language processing for a brief period of time and would like to share and learn more on the same.

Speaker Links:

An old ppt:

Section: Others
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Beginner
Last Updated: