Kaggle-ing with Python

arjoonn sharma (~theSage21)




I'll keep it short.

  • This talk introduces Kaggle
  • Performs a demonstration on the Titanic Competition at Kaggle.
  • It touches on the use of Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, sk-learn and other libraries.
  • It teaches you how to use Jupyter effectively.
  • It gives you a gist of what Data Analysis, Machine Learning are all about.
  • It illustrates techniques which are important (Cross validation, various scoring methods and so on)

This talk answers the following in roughly the order prescribed:

  1. What is Kaggle?
  2. Why should I care?
  3. What do I need to do this?
  4. How do I do it?
  5. How do I get better at doing this?


  • Basic Knowledge of Python Hello-world-like programs.
  • How to set up Python on their OS of choice. This includes installing software on the chosen OS
  • Some knowledge of Machine Learning / Statistics would help, though it is not necessary.

Content URLs:

Will be released before talk

Speaker Info:

I'm a Masters student at IIITM-K currently working on my Masters' Thesis.
I love building things with Python, blogging, writing articles for OSFY and so on.
I've been swimming in Python for about 5 years now, and absolutely love it.

Section: Data Visualization and Analytics
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Intermediate
Last Updated: