From start to finish a restless api in flask without the flask-restless framework.
gamer496 |
Restless api's seem to be the norm for web-architecture today and rightly so.When you have almost half-dozen different platforms to server you would want a common backend a common api to rule them all.But the lack of tutorials on this topic is staggering almost puzzling.Except for tutorial by Mr.Miguel Grinberg there isn't much material over the internet.So this talk aims at introducing young developers on how to build a flask-restless api including but not limited to:
- Authentication - different ways and norms
- Definition of restless difference between restless and other api and the blurry lines that separate them
- This talk is for everyone whether you know flask or not.
- Best practices setting up pip and working in virtual environments
- finally testing and deploying our api on heroku.
Python and ubuntu.
Speaker Info:
At the time of writing this proposal I'm a 3rd year 6th semester B.Tech student pursuing computer science engineering.I love programming in python but again who doesn't?
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