Exploring PyUnit





This talk provides an introduction for pyunit test framework and will discuss techniques for developing pyunit testcases which serves as a tutorial for developers new to Python, and as a cheatsheet for experienced developers. Key Takeaways: 1. why PyUnit 2. How to create PyUnit Testcase 3. Develop Testsuite. 4. Generating reports in text/Html 5. Test Fixtures. 6. PyUnit Assertions. 7. Developement of Testsuite for sample application


Participants are expected to have basic working knowledge of Python.

Content URLs:

This slides provides insight into what is planned in the talk https://docs.google.com/a/ddu-india.com/presentation/d/1u_Q9XtsQE_A9J-cJFDJ-YjMw6Oqrdq0t4epZCR7xUdM/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000

Speaker Info:

I, Jaya K, is working as a Senior R&D - QA Engineer in Dreamworks Unit, Technicolor and have 13 years of experience in QA and automation framework development. I worked on developing various test frameworks for GUI, RestAPI, client testing using Perl and Java. I have used python for data analysis also. In Dreamworks Unit, Technicolor, i had the opportunity to test python client. With knowledge of Junit, transitioning to the development of pyunit test is cinchy.

Section: Testing
Type: Talks
Target Audience: Intermediate
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