Deploy Python application on OpenShift-v3
Praveen Kumar (~praveenkumar) |
OpenShift-v3 is built around the applications running in Docker containers, scheduling and management support provided by the Kubernetes project, and augmented deployment, orchestration, and routing functionality on top.
Talk Agenda:
- Basis of container ecosystem and how it fit for developers.
- Brief about Openshift v3 Architecture to understand deployment workflow
- Demo about how easy we can deploy a simple 2-tier flask application (frontend + mariadb database).
Speaker Info:
Praveen Kumar is a Software Engineer currently working at Red Hat. At Red Hat his focus is to create tools around container ecosystem and Dockerfiles for different services. In his free time he contribute to Fedora project as RPM packager. He has been a speaker at FUDCon, GNUnify, Flock, FOSSAsia, Jenkins User Conference, Docker-Meet and delivered talks on Docker, Ansible, RPM packaging, Git, Jenkins and various other topics.
Speaker Links: