Containerize upstream projects effortlessly
Bamacharan Kundu (~bamachrn) |
Containerize upstream projects effortlessly: To give confidence and reliability to the container world, we have developed pipeline to build container for upstream projects. This pipeline is having very easy entry, with a simple pull request in yml file. Once the project is part of pipeline it has got the below benefits.
Container will be built in the pipeline and pushed to public container image registry,
If there is and change/update in the dependencies pipeline will build an updated image and notify user
Pipeline will automatically track the changes in source code repo and in git push it will build image and notify the user.
All the containers built using this pipeline will be well tested, validated for stability, best container practices checks etc. There are many more.
This would provide Python upstream developers an infra, to automatically containerize their projects without taking the trouble for building and testing the containers.
I will present this pipeline along with demo of the system. This will give awareness, usage procedures and inside views of the system to take benefits of this.
As outcome of this presentation:
Audience will be able to understand the benefits of containerising an application.
They will be able to enrol their projects in the pipeline to get their projects containerized and published to public registry.
Get an overview of different kind of testing done on the containers and application.
Knowledge of containers, docker or such system.
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Speaker Info:
I am currently working with Red Hat as container engineer. My career is mostly as DevOps engineer setting up different systems to enhance the quality & efficiency of Application Life cycle. I have been working with technologies like docker, mesos, kubernetes, Jenkins, Openshift to build systems for automated Continuous Integration, Delivery, Deployment of the application. In Red Hat I currently contribute to the centos project for building up automated container building with validation,testing. I have also designed and implemented large scale application cluster along with CI-CD for automated containerized application delivery system. I have worked with Micro services application architecture for enhancing system throughput and immutability.
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