We're back for 2024! and the Call for Proposals is open!!

We are excited to announce that PyCon India 2024 is back in Bengaluru and the call for proposals is officially open! We are looking for proposals on a wide range of topics.

We look forward to seeing beginner, intermediate, and advanced proposals on diverse topics from speakers of different expertise and experience. To submit a proposal, you don't need to be a veteran who has spoken at a dozen conferences in the past. We are looking for all kinds of people to make our conference genuinely diverse. That's what our community comprises, and that's what this conference's schedule should be genuinely made of.

So, whether you are submitting a proposal for talks for the first time or just want to share what you have been doing with Python for a long time, this is YOUR time to shine!

Please make a note of some important dates as mentioned below:

  • CFP opens on 10th March 2024
  • CFP closes on 31st May 2024
  • The schedule shall be released on 1st September 2024
  • Talks will be presented on 21st - 22nd September 2024
  • Workshops are on 20th September 2024

Where can you submit your proposal?

Read the call for proposals editorial for more information on writing proposals. Next, after signing up for an account, start drafting your proposal in the New Proposal page.

Do make sure to read the best practices before submitting your proposals, especially if you are a first-time speaker!

Guide to writing excellent proposals

As you think about the experiences, skills, and knowledge you want to bring, We would also like you to focus on the proposal you submit. A well-thought-out proposal could mean a chance to be selected and presented at PyCon India 2024. Take your time to go through our team's advice on preparing a kickass proposal that turns heads:

When submitting a proposal, you must fill in the following details.

  1. Title Give your talk/workshop a name that accurately describes the session's focus for potential attendees.

  2. Description A brief description of the talk/workshop is needed here. Provide as much detail as possible to guide us through your plans to cover the topic. The workshop should last 3 hours, and the talk should last 30 minutes. Hence, a rough timeline detailing how you will spend time explaining the concept would be great.

  3. Audience Level At what level of Python and other topic-specific experience or expertise is the workshop aiming for? We realize this may be too narrow for a seminar; for example, if the workshop is aimed at experienced programmers but novices to Python, give it your best shot. Reviewers need to know what level of Python experience is targeted and what level(s) of domain-specific expertise is targeted, such as networking, SQL, database, etc.

  4. Prerequisites There may be preferences or requirements regarding your talk/workshop that attendees need to consider before joining in.

  5. Video URL Preview videos: Do you discuss your proposal and topics you intend to cover in your talk/workshop, and how do you plan to cover them? Participants are strongly suggested to upload links to their preview videos while submitting their proposals. You can check the guidelines for creating a preview video in the following section.

  6. Speaker Info You'll be asked to enter your biography, and the information will be made public. Here, you may include more information for reviewers to complement information about your previous experience. This can include your subject matter experience, past workshops, past speaking events, or anything else to help us understand and gauge your abilities as a workshop presenter. A link to a video would be ideal (to be added in speaker URLs)

Guidelines for creating Preview Video

Preview videos Are you talking about your proposal, topics you intend to cover in the talk, and how you plan to cover them? Participants are strongly suggested to upload links to their preview videos while submitting their proposals. It will be immensely helpful for reviewers to review preview videos and consider them before making final decisions on your talk proposal. Please keep in mind to strictly follow all guidelines for creating your video preview as mentioned below:-

  1. Duration & orientation
    A 1-3 minute video to be recorded, preferably in portrait mode.

  2. Upload to YouTube
    The video must be uploaded on YouTube. If you want to prevent others from finding it, mark it unlisted. Don't mark it as private or disallow embedding, or we won't be able to see it. ​

  3. Only you talking about your talk
    The video should contain nothing except you talking about your talk.​ Try to make a video that holds our attention and helps us understand your talk more deeply.

  4. No effects & No Music
    Please do not add background music to your video, use screenshots, or use post-production wizardry; we don't want this to become a video-making contest. If you're going to spend time making something cool, put that into your slides and proposal instead.

  5. No Script
    Please do not recite a script written beforehand. Just talk spontaneously as you would to a friend. People delivering memorized speeches (or, worse still, reading text off the screen) usually come off as dull and uninspiring. Consider this a fun activity, and let your heart do the talking. Be vanilla!

  6. Check your Audio
    Keep your voice clear and check that it's being recorded properly. Make sure there isn't any background noise. Record this in an empty room without much going on in the background.

Have any more questions? We are here to help!

Feel free to ping us on Zulip or contact the coordinators through email:

We look forward to seeing your proposals in our inboxes in the coming months!

For Conference Updates