Workshop ticket price slash

Every year PyCon India team strives hard to put effort making the conference better for participants. The current edition of PyCon India stretches for four days. The first two days filled with workshops and dev sprints, and last two days comprising a different version of talks.

The last edition had six workshops, and this edition has sixteen workshops. More workshops are exciting news for participants and present audience to attend workshops from a broad category.

For past few days, a lot of our audience expressed interest in attending multiple workshops on two days, but the price is a show stopper. After considering the request, the revised ticket price is 750 INR + taxes. Hope this will help you to participate in more workshops. The current workshop ticket holders will get a refund in the difference of amount after revised ticket fare. You can write to contact at in dot pycon dot org for any inquiries.

Head to ticket page to purchase tickets.

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