Call for Posters for Poster Presentation



PyCon India Content Team

What is Poster Presentation?

Poster presentation/session is an informal way to present your ideas, or research information at the conference with an academic focus and reach out to a larger audience on your topic. Basically the poster presentations are different from the soft, projector based presentations, where the presenter/individual/speaker accompanies a poster, posts it on a black/white board in the space provided, stand there, talk to the rolling audience, explain the concept, take maximum questions on his topic. Each presentation is usually presented over a period of 10 minutes or more. Interestingly, at PyCon 2015, Bangalore, we’ll be having the Poster sessions and space will be reserved for the speakers to display their posters.

What is the Motivation behind it?

Oral presentations are a richer medium than written documents. They allow you to establish stronger contact with the audience and better convince them with your viewpoint through verbal and nonverbal methods, as well as the ensuing interaction. Posters also act as hard copies providing in-depth details of the concepts of a talk a speaker aims to spread, where any participant can look back incase he missed a few pointers during the talk.

Who can Participate?

  • Professionals
  • Lecturers
  • College Students
  • Speakers

How to submit Posters?

Through Junction:

What makes a good Poster Presentation?

First and most important, a good proposal. Poster sessions are intended to give you the chance to present interesting ideas and start conversations with others. Additionally, proposal titles and abstracts are one of the major tools the audience will use to identify posters of interest. Second, the poster itself. The poster is a visual aid for you to use in creating a quick engaging presentation, and to refer to it answering questions and fuelling discussion.

Rules and Guidelines:

Certain Rules and guidelines that are suggested for an ideal poster presentation include:

Define the purpose

Heading should convey the entire message of your idea

Your message

Sell your idea in seconds

Poster size

Not too big, not too small

Include Images, Graphs

It’ll make the presentation more informative

Presentation Index should look like:

  • Title
  • Introduction/Goal
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Few links of your references for the audience to get proper enlightenment of your idea and to understand it thoroughly
  • Acknowledgement
  • Thanking the audience for their attention provides a nice segue into the question and answer session.

Poster selection is the beginning

Consider the post presentation impact of your topic.

QR Code

You do not have to use a QR, but it adds a level of professionalism to your work. It is often put in lower right hand corner with other contact information.

Literature Review

Existing systems. Advantage of your idea over them.

Writing Style

Proper fonts and colors wherever needed

Design, Layout

Poster content is always arranged in columns, on an invisible grid


Q: Can I submit both a poster and a talk proposal?

A: Absolutely! We encourage everyone to submit a poster proposal even if they have also submitted a talk proposal. If both are accepted, we encourage authors to adapt their presentation to make the best use of each venue. Even if a talk proposal can not be accommodated by the program committee, it may still be well suited for a poster presentation.