Reporting Guide

Reporting Process

If you experience any harassment, or unfair treatment, or witness any behavior you believe violates the PyCon India Code Of Conduct, we encourage you to report it as soon as possible. Reports can be made through the following channels:

Contact any of the following committee members. The Helpdesk can assist you in finding them at the venue:

Information to Include in Your Report

When filing a report, please provide as much relevant information as possible. The following details are essential to help us understand and address the situation:


All reports will be treated with strict confidentiality. We understand the sensitive nature of such matters and will protect the privacy of all parties involved to the best of our ability. In some cases, we may need to make a public statement, but the identities of victims and reporters will remain confidential unless instructed otherwise.

Reporting Concerns about Volunteers or Organizers

If your report concerns a possible violation by a volunteer or organizer, you can make your report directly to the Chair of the Code Of Conduct Committee, whose contact information will be made available during the conference.The current Code Of Conduct Chair is Sayan Chowdhury, and you can reach out via email at 911 AT yudocaa DOT in

Response and Resolution

Once a report is received, the Code Of Conduct Committee will promptly initiate an investigation. The Code of Conduct Working Group will review the incident, consider all the information provided, and determine the appropriate response. Possible responses may include but are not limited to:


We aim to respond to the reporter within one week of receiving the report with either a resolution or an explanation of the ongoing investigation.


PyCon India strictly prohibits any form of retaliation against individuals who report incidents in good faith. We are committed to creating a safe environment for everyone, and retaliation will not be tolerated.


This Reporting Guide for PyCon India 2024 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Thank you for helping us maintain a respectful and inclusive atmosphere at PyCon India 2024. By reporting incidents, you contribute to the collective effort to make our conference a safe and welcoming experience for all attendees.

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