Open Spaces

Open Spaces are self-organizing meetup-like events which happen in parallel with the main conference, held in dedicated rooms on Level 1 of the Venue on the Conference Day 1 (21/09/2024).

While most of the conference is planned well in advance, Open Spaces are created "just in time" by PyCon attendees during the conference. They provide a way for you to self-gather, self-define, and self-organize any way you like.

How do I participate in an Open Space?

It's pretty easy: Just show up :)

During PyCon, there will be an Open Spaces board in dedicated rooms on Level 1 of the venue, maintained by a facilitator from the organizing committee. The board act as a time table for all the Open Spaces, so you know where and when to go for the Open Spaces you're interested in. If a topic is not listed yet, find an open time slot and describe it to the facilitator!!

The speaker/host can decide the way he/she uses that space and time. Furthermore, the activities/talks at Open Spaces are not officially recorded in any ways, thus any topics that are more critical compared to the regular conference talks are welcomed.

Ideas for Open Spaces

Since the PyCon attendees are a diverse bunch, the Open Spaces are too. They can be some discussions about plenty of the usual suspects of technical subjects, from computer security to your favorite Python project to professional occupations like DevOps.

Here are a few ideas for potential Open Space topics and activities:

If there's a certain Open Space you'd love to see at PyCon but you don't want to host it yourself, please suggest it on our list and maybe someone else will take up the topic and host an Open Space about it.

Role of the Facilitator

A facilitator would be available to make sure PyCon attendees have everything they need to do self organize and also ensure the open spaces happen in an orderly fashion.

When there is more than one idea, competing for the same time slot, facilitator will resolve the same via voting/or any other means he deems fit.

The facilitator is responsible for maintaining the schedule for Open Spaces and also updating the rest of the attendees on twitter with hashtag - #OpenSpaces #PyConIndia2024 and also on google docs at Openspaces Schedule

Planned Open Spaces

If you have an idea for an Open Space, and a day and time when you want to meet/host, please email us at and we will try to accommodate by including them on schedule.