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Customizing the Django admin

by Dheeraj Sayala (speaking)

Web Development
Session type
Technical level


To help Django developers improve the admin interface and use some of its advanced features and related libraries


Admin is one of Django's killer features. Though its look and feel are acceptable to developers, it is rarely something your clients will be impressed with, specially if they have to enter data through it day in and day out. They may point to WordPress and say that they must have this or that feature. Luckily, not only is it very configurable with little effort, but also built upon highly extensible views and templates. Also, there are some mature libraries which will make our Admin more palatable to users.

The talk will start with a short discussion on the possible motives behind improving the admin. Then we will discuss:

  • which parts of it are not good enough
  • some of the ways to make it more awesome.
  • custom views and forms
  • extending templates with custom CSS and JavaScript (ex: adding tinymce or chosen)
  • existing libraries (django-grappelli etc.) that improve UX, usability, look and feel

If there is enough time, we can see integrating advanced tools like search (using haystack/solr)

Speaker bio

I am a Python and JavaScript developer glued to web development. I have been developing web and mobile-web applications for 2 years. Over the last year, I have worked on a CMS for our artistic clients whose attention to detail and perfection don't leave much room for less-than-acceptable interfaces for their daily use. Making their daily editing and uploading experience as pleasant as possible has made me understand Admin and learn the intricacies of UX and usability of forms.

Website: dheerajs.com

Currently working at: Agiliq

I can't live without Vim and Linux for development. Music, cricket, food are my other passions.