SIR Python !

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Authors meswamy
Level Intermediate
Topic Scientific Programming
Tags sir, ir, Semantic Information Retrieval, Information Retrieval

Semantic Information Retrieval is a program that inputs information from the user and builds a semantic network, that is, a network of objects connected by their relationships to each other. It can then, in turn, answer questions from the user making deductions from those same relationships. We gonna see how we can build a SIR with python.


A simple program to implement a Semantic Information Retrieval. We will be using regular expression to feed in new items into the information recovery system. re module will be used to feed regular expression and grammar into the path formed. The relationship is built on the data fed into the system, thus for every new entry the path is searched and the data is fed into the regular expression.


inspired from or sort of taken from

Profile of the authors

Swamynathan. H aka meswamy a B.E. C.S.E. 2010 pass out. Linux user since 12th. Been introduced to python in 1st year, and ever since then had been admirer of python programming and there after became a lazy programmer* with all charms of python.

*lazy programmer in a nice way

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